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Lamu-chan History

Even though she was female, she raised her leg to pee.  Every time she went out for a walk, she would sniff thoroughly every telephone pole, trash can, mailbox, scaffolding base, building wall and sprinkle a little bit of her pee to mark her passing.  As she got older, she licked the surfaces of these poles and walls in addition to sniffing them.


Each time she did that, I would scold, “Hey, stop it!  You’ll get sick”

One day, I saw her licking the remnants of her pee after going on a wee-wee-pad we used indoors.  I guess if it is her own pee, it may not be a problem.  Dogs have inherently sharper instincts so there might be a reason behind this act.

Later, I noticed Lamu would frequently lick her pee when she was dealing with some health issues.  Something clicked in my head.  I have heard about urine therapy and knew something about it. I even had some personal experience with it.

“Are you practicing urine therapy?” I asked her smilingly as she came out of her toilet.  As I look back, this may have been her first message to me.


After she turned 13, she faced many health issues.  From a young age, she exhibited strong allergies, which limited what she could eat.  She constantly broke out in skin rashes all over her body, some of which turned into fatty growths.  Once or twice a year, she would get a tooth infection and one side of her face would swell up, and each time she would have to take antibiotics.  She developed a thyroid condition and had to start taking thyroid pills.  Because she was a Dachshund, she experienced many back problems and often had to take anti-inflammatory medicine.  One Sunday at 5am, she cried out when one of her disks ruptured and had trouble moving her lower body.  We immediately took her to an emergency veterinary hospital and that afternoon had open back surgery.  She recovered enough to be able to walk again but the pain did not go away completely and her hind legs never fully recovered.

When she was 15, she got a urinary tract infection (UTI).  When she took antibiotics, the symptoms went away, but as soon as she quit, the symptoms were back.  We could not stamp out the bacteria completely.  She went through a couple cycles of antibiotics and a third with a stronger variety and finally, the symptoms subsided.  Because of her possible allergic reaction, she had two seizures while taking the stronger drugs.  Six months later, the UTI was back.  It was unnerving.  We put her on antibiotics again, but as soon as she quit, the symptoms were back.  I did not want to keep subjecting her to these drugs and was at my wit’s end.  That is when it occurred to me about the benefits of ingesting urine.  I remember she used to always lick her own urine when she was not feeling well.

Lamu’s pee had a milky quality due to lots of bacteria, white blood cells, some blood and other internal waste.  It certainly had a very strong odor besides the ammonia that was present.  Lamu’s doctor called it “bacteria pee soup” after we brought him a sample.  I thought drinking such a solution might kill her by spreading the bacteria throughout her body.

I searched online for any details on urine therapy but there was little in the way of useful information.  On a few websites of private practice physicians (of people), they cautioned against this method because it could lead to secondary infection.

What to do.  I was out of options.  I held Lamu and brought some of her urine I collected close to her and she drank it right away.  Something miraculous happened a few hours later.
Up to that point, Lamu had trouble holding her urine and had many accidents but within half a day, she started to settle down.  The next day, there was no more blood in her urine.  On the third day, she was back to normal.  I was stunned.

When I first tried urine therapy myself, I was in my mid-twenties.  A doctor friend of mine who was testing the method told me applying it improved skin condition and that it was also good for back pain.

I jumped on the skin condition point.  I saw some immediate positive effects.  No matter how much I ingested, I could not tell what if anything was happening internally.  Ever since elementary school, I have seldom been ill.  If anything, I occasionally experience some discomfort in my lower back and stomach pain from unhealthy habits.
Urine is hard to drink.  The aftertaste is not very pleasant at all.  Every morning, I had to overcome my objections and drink it down.  If it is purely for cosmetic reasons, I don’t necessarily have to ingest it, do I?  I just have to apply it externally directly on my skin and that should be enough.  I left it at that for many years.
After several months of daily ingestion, for some reason, the bacteria did not seem to go away even after the symptoms of UTI were gone.  There were a few instances where her canines rubbed against her lips while eating and swelled up from infection.  Lamu’s stool became looser.  If UTI symptoms have ceased, maybe it was time to stop the treatment, which I did.
After a month or two, a small fatty growth that was at the tip of her ear started to grow at an alarming speed.  What was white and the size of a few rice grains turned pinkish and it became harder, muscle-like texture.  From what was 5 mm in diameter grew to 35 mm in diameter with a thickness of 15mm.  It kept increasing in size and started to weigh down Lamu’s ear.  She was 17 at the time and I knew it was risky to put her under anesthesia at her age for an operation.  We tried a couple of alternate treatments, bit the growth was at a size where these treatments had little effect.  The growth was getting infected and started to bleed.  We were told, left in this condition, there was a possibility that the bacteria could spread to other parts of the body leading to more ailments, including death.  Given the rate of growth, we had no choice but to opt for an operation to remove the growth. 

Fortunately, the operation was a success and Lamu came back looking none the worse for wear.  The relief was short lived when we discovered some bleeding from her butt.  It was only a week after the operation.  When we took a closer look, it was the same kind of pinkish growth as the one on her ear we just had removed.  We knew that another growth might pop up but to see it saw soon was disheartening.  We were struck with the reality that we may not have removed the root cause even if we cut off the end result.
I started urine therapy the next day.  I also started applying a urine solution to the new growth.  The results were astounding.  After one week of this combined treatment, the growth dissolved and was almost gone completely.  I continued applying the solution for another two weeks for good measure.  The skin condition even improved and the growth disappeared without a trace.

When I thought about it, maybe the growth on Lamu’s ear got worse because I stopped the urine therapy earlier.  Had we restarted urine therapy when we noticed the ear growth, maybe Lamu could have been spared the operation.  Had I known the effect of this therapy, I could have given Lamu a healthier life with fewer illnesses.

I wanted to let as many dog loving owners about the positive effects of urine therapy.  If I could reach just one dog owner who can apply and benefit from this therapy and cure their precious one from illness and bring them joy, there would be value.  That was the motivation behind creating this website.

This is the legacy and truth my beloved Lamu left me as she took to heaven after 17-and-a half years.

© 2021, 2022 by C Imamura

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