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List of Illnesses
Reported to Improve or be Cured

Urine therapy is a natural medicinal practice that enhances the inherent natural healing power of the body to cure illnesses.   It was practiced in ancient Egypt, as recorded in Papyrus scrolls (1500 to 1300 BC), as part of Ayurveda medicine in India, and documented in traditional China’s Chinese medicine treatise called Treatise on Cold Injury (Shanghan Lun).  There are records of the practice in Europe as early as the Greek and Roman Empire, confirming that this practice has been in existence for several thousand years in various parts of the world.


A major category of illnesses that have been reported to have improved or cured by urine therapy


Respiratory diseases:  Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis

Digestive disorders:  Gastric ulcer, Enteritis, Ulcerative colitis, Gastric weakness

Cardiovascular diseases:  Heart disease, Myocardial infarction, Hypertension, Hypotension, Angina,  Arrhythmia

Liver diseases:  Various liver inflammation, Liver cirrhosis, Liver cancer,  Jaundice

Allergy related:  Hay fever, Urticaria, Atopy

Urinary disease:  Cystitis, Kidney disease, kidney stones

Various body aches:  Muscle ache, Back pain, Neuralgia, Arthritis


Neoplastic diseases:  Cancer,   Fibroid,  Mast cell tumors

Connective tissue disorders:  Rheumatism, Rheumatoid arthritis, Erythemate, lupus erythematosus, (Immune disorders)

Mental illnesses:  Menopause, Depression, Emotional instability, Psychogenic illnesses

Neurological diseases:  Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis


Endocrine abnormalities:  Pancreatic disease, Abnormal hormone secretion, Diabetes, Gout


Bacterial diseases:  Common cold, Flu, Malaria, Black water disease, HIV, Other Diseases caused by viruses / bacteria


Aging:  Frequent urination, Gray hair, Hair loss, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Sexual dysfunction

Eye diseases:  Eye fatigue, Cataract, Deteriorating vision, Glaucoma, Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye), Floater, Sty


Gynecological diseases:  Infertility, Cervicovaginal erosion, PMS 

Dental diseases:  Periodontitis, Stomatitis

Ear, Nose and Throat disorders:  Sinusitis, Empyema, Stuffy nose, Sore throat, Eardrum perforation, Otitis externa, Otitis media,  Labyrinthitis

Skin diseases:  Athlete's foot, Eczema, Warts, Polyp, Psoriasis, Dandruff, Chapped skin, Burns, Wrinkles

Other ailments:  Migraine, Hemorrhoids, Constipation, Alcoholism, Gonorrhea and sexually transmitted diseases, Obesity, Underweight, *Chronic fatigue, *Immune deficiency, *Osteoporosis


Reference:  Urine Therapy: Surprising Effects (尿療法 驚くべきこの効果) by Ryoichi Nakao, et. al.

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